Anna Price Artist



Anna Price


Interior designer turned artist Anna Price admits to not being much of a planner.

During the pandemic she happened to be strolling past one such repurposed building 300m from her Chatswood home and made loose enquiries about its ground floor commercial space, which later become her art studio.

Anna admits to a number of stars aligning in her pursuit of a workspace, with the suburb’s evolution being one element in a sum of parts. “It was a great time to rent,” she acknowledges, “while everyone was getting out of the workplace, I was getting into one.”

It’s not so much that Chatswood has been gentrified, as that it’s consciously evolving. Change is coming in the next 20-30 years with so many of the older buildings being sold and repurposed in ways that stay true to their industrial history while providing optimal lifestyles for now. I mean, you can see the ocean from some of them!


Born and bred in Chatswood, Anna’s grandfather was Mayor of Willoughby back in the day. She has borne witness to the locale’s profound metamorphosis, something reinforced by distance after a number of years spent living in Canada. “I’m the youngest of 5. Growing up, half our house was in Chatswood and half was in Roseville, literally.” Straddling the boundary of the suburb, Anna has both navigated and leveraged the shifting ecosystem of Chatswood, optimising its enduring qualities that seamlessly correspond with innovation, to now cultivate a renaissance. “Property value has gone crazy in Chatswood in the last 8-10 years, double and then some. Now, with more development happening and the east side industrial buildings selling and being redeveloped as well there is only more growth to come.”